Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Write, Edit, Repeat

I'm currently sitting in a spot that has become very familiar to me in the last few days: the desk in my room next to the window. Last week I would perch here as I waited for the heat repairman, as it has a great view of anyone approaching the flat down below and provides nice solar heat. Recently this is where I have taken up residence to write my 4000-5000 (I'll prob settle for 3999) word paper that is due on Thursday. I'm also keeping an eye out for the postman and feeling kinda like Harry Potter in the first book when he waits for his Hogwarts letter. Depending on how visible I am to those outside, I could easily be known as the "third floor creeper."

As I work on this paper, I realize how long it's been since I've actually done something for school (besides reading Bleak House this summer). While the others announced they were on word 2000 of their paper, I was still struggling to form a thesis. "Henry VIII" was too broad a subject, according to my tutor, so now I am researching his first marriage and what came before all the reformation stuff. I'll also have to remind myself to edit my opening sentence before I submit my work. I don't think "Henry VIII wanted a lady on the street but a freak in the bed" is really going to be funny to Francis as he grades it.

I just returned from Penelope's house where I checked out two more books to help me write. This morning the whole group went over to the house to have a class on how to study during our time in Oxford. Every two week periods, we will be writing a sum of three essays and it is important to know how to pace the self; something I'm terrible at...obviously, I'm writing a blog post right now. I'll probably get exhausted of writing papers by December, but I'm sure the transition of going back to Hendrix where I'm expected to attend an actual class will be even more difficult.

Now I'm just trying to embrace the way of life where I am (including the way of learning). I think I've mastered the art of getting groceries. I've started carrying my empty backpack to the Tesco so that I can fill it with heavy items like milk and juice and can then walk home practically "grocery sack free." I also discovered the "shortcut" from town back to the flat. Whether it is actually shorter or not, I have yet to time it. It is true however that it is more scenic; a pathway along the canal and then under the train tracks (which I have to physically duck to go under). It's also nice to walk away from the stress of the traffic. To make the other Olivia shut up when she kept going on about the aggressiveness of the traffic, I told her cars have the right of way here, not pedestrians; something I totally made up, but learned today is actually true. I should get more credit for being a genius.

My break time is over now (see, I'm getting better at pacing myself already!) I'm going to put on my new Mumford and Sons album, make a PB&J sandwich (I caved and bought peanut butter), and continue working on my paper about how when you marry your brother's widow, don't expect to have a healthy son to play ball with, or build legos, or...rule a country.

OH! And my dear brother IAN has yet to skype me so I can tell him my woes about the fact that the internet doesn't stream American TV shows. How am I going to know what happens on the final season of The Office?!

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